Wishing you a blessed day filled with golden treasured memories of your precious Kenny!!
God Bless!!
12/24/2012 Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
Wishing ur family a Blessed & Merry Christmas & hoping the memories of u bring light & love to their hearts ~♥~
12/01/2012 Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
May you be blessed with peace & comfort as the memories of Kenny bring a smile to ur heart ~♥♥♥~
10/17/2012 JOAN TAYLOR
Kenny God saw you was getting tired so he put his arms around you & whispered come with me GB Kenny love & prayers Renee x
09/30/2012 Jo-Ann Pacenta~Lauren's mom
What we have once enjoyed we can never lose...All that we love deeply becomes a part of us. Thinking of you
09/08/2012 JOAN TAYLOR
Precious Kenny please stay by Renee's side let her feel your love around her GB you Kenny, Renee always in my thoughts & prayers All my love & many hugs my sweet friend.
07/16/2012 Mom
GM sweetheart I cant get into your other site so belated candles to you keep your wings around your babygirl we love & miss yo
07/12/2012 JOAN TAYLOR
Renee if I could build a stairway upto Heaven I would and bring your precious Kenny back again for you & Bonnie my prayers xox
05/06/2012 Katie Cassidy's Mom
Kenny your love & beautiful memories will always shine in the hearts of your loving family!!
Thoughts & Prayers!!